Author name: WLRC


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Fraud in UPI Transactions

The Finance Ministry has revealed a concerning rise in UPI fraud incidents, with a staggering 85% year-over-year increase in FY24, resulting in 13.42 lakh cases worth ₹1087 crore. To combat this issue, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has implemented the Central Payment Fraud Information Registry (CPFIR), a web-based tool for reporting payment-related frauds, since March 2020. All regulated entities are required to report payment-related frauds to the CPFIR. To prevent payment-related frauds, including UPI transaction frauds, the government, RBI, and National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) have taken various initiatives. These measures include device binding between customer mobile numbers and devices, two-factor authentication through PIN, daily transaction limits, and limits and curbs on use cases. Additionally, NPCI provides a fraud monitoring solution to all banks, enabling them to alert and decline transactions for fraud mitigation using AI/ML-based models. The RBI and banks have also launched awareness campaigns through short SMS, radio campaigns, and publicity on preventing cybercrime. These efforts aim to educate customers on the risks associated with online transactions and the importance of being vigilant when using digital payment systems. The rise in UPI fraud incidents highlights the need for continued awareness and education on safe online transaction practices.


RBI imposes monetary penalty on RBL Bank Limited

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a monetary penalty on a leading private bank due to deficiencies in regulatory compliance. During a statutory and supervisory inspection, the RBI found two major non-compliances with the ‘Reserve Bank of India (Know Your Customer (KYC)) Direction, 2016’. Firstly, the bank failed to obtain prescribed Officially Valid Documents (OVDs) while opening certain credit card accounts. Secondly, the bank allotted multiple Customer Identification Codes to certain customers instead of assigning a Unique Customer Identification Code (UCIC) for each customer. The RBI emphasized that the penalty is based on the bank’s deficiencies in regulatory compliance and does not affect the validity of any transactions or agreements between the bank and its customers. This incident serves as a reminder for compliance professionals to be vigilant and ensure adherence to RBI’s directions and instructions to avoid non-compliance and potential penalties. ———— भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) ने एक प्रमुख निजी बैंक पर नियामक अनुपालन में कमियों के कारण मौद्रिक जुर्माना लगाया है। एक अधिकारिक और निरीक्षण परीक्षा के दौरान, आरबीआई ने ‘भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (नो योर कस्टमर (केवाईसी)) निर्देश, 2016’ के साथ दो प्रमुख अनुपालनों की खोज की। पहले, बैंक ने कुछ क्रेडिट कार्ड खातों को खोलते समय निर्धारित आधिकारिक रूप से वैध दस्तावेजों (ओवीडी) को प्राप्त करने में विफल रहा। दूसरे, बैंक ने कुछ ग्राहकों को एक अद्वितीय ग्राहक पहचान कोड (यूसीआईसी) के बजाय कई ग्राहक पहचान कोड आवंटित किए। आरबीआई ने जोर देकर कहा कि जुर्माना बैंक की नियामक अनुपालन में कमियों पर आधारित है और बैंक और उसके ग्राहकों के बीच किसी भी लेन-देन या समझौतों की वैधता पर प्रभाव नहीं डालता है। यह घटना अनुपालन पेशेवरों के लिए एक अनुस्मारक के रूप में कार्य करती है कि वे आरबीआई के निर्देशों और निर्देशों का पालन करने के लिए सावधान रहें ताकि अनुपालन और संभावित जुर्माने से बचा जा सके।

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